I am currently thinking about how to implement a realtime chat using the
XMLSocket functionality in Macromedia Flash 5 using the PHP socket
functions. Here's a quote from the Flash 5 online help:

----------------------- begin quote -----------------------
Using the XMLSocket object

To use the XMLSocket object, the server computer must run a daemon that
understands the protocol used by the XMLSocket object. The protocol is
as follows: 

 XML messages are sent over a full-duplex TCP/IP stream socket
 Each XML message is a complete XML document, terminated by
a zero byte. 
 An unlimited number of XML messages can be sent and
received over a single XMLSocket connection. 

The XMLSocket object is useful for client-server applications that
require low latency, such as real-time chat systems. A traditional
HTTP-based chat solution frequently polls the server and downloads new
messages using an HTTP request. In contrast, an XMLSocket chat solution
maintains an open connection to the server, which allows the server to
immediately send incoming messages without a request from the client. 

Setting up a server to communicate with the XMLSocket object can be
challenging. If your application does not require real-time
interactivity, use the loadVariables action, or Flash's HTTP-based XML
server connectivity (XML.load, XML.sendAndLoad, XML.send), instead of
the XMLSocket object. 

To use the methods of the XMLSocket object, you must first use the
constructor, new XMLSocket, to create a new XMLSocket object. 
----------------------- end quote -----------------------

Does anyone have any knowledge of similar projects/attempts to create a
server in PHP that would be able to talk to a client that uses the Flash
5 XMLSocket object, or would anyone care to provide some pointers to
other resources about it? I've never tried to write a server, but this
might solve quite a few problems that I encounter on a day-to-day basis.
Http really sucks when you try to do anything vaguely more complicated
than a mailto form, seeing that it is a stateless protocol . . . and
Flash 5 could fill that gap for the stuff I'd like to do at least.

Regards, Frank

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