Assemble all of your data into the message body (see $message below) and mail it to yourself.
How you trigger this processing and the call to the mail() function depends on how you've constructed your logic.

$message .= $name ."\n";
$message .= $phone . "\n";
$message .= $email;
 mail( "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", "Free Trial Request",
         $message, "From: $email" );

One logic construct is for the form's ACTION to call itself, like so:

IF $email is NOT set
        display the form and to record the information
ELSEIF test for critical fields being empty
        displaying a message if they are and a reload button
        to the code above
        display Thanks & we'll be in touch, or whatever.

Regards - Miles Thompson

At 02:10 PM 12/21/2004, Ken Bolton wrote:
Is there a simple way to send the results of a form to an email address? I
have created a form with multiple categories of radio boxes and I have
created a response PHP file that will give the user a confirmation. I'm just
not sure how to send the results through email. I've checked the
documentation with no luck. Thanks.

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