On: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 06:50:25 Jay Blanchard wrote:
After a little digging about I found this post:
I've just wondering what headers and libraries I will need to compile in
as well? Do I just include the php.h, or is there a "how to" on this or
some example code I can view for this exact purpose?
You need to hit the Apache list and RTFM on coding Apache 2 mods

Read the documents, found out very little apart from including:
"ap_mmn.h", "apr_buckets.h", "util_filter.h", "apr.h" ... 
"http_request.h", "util_script.h", "ap_config_auto.h"

And few I didn't include, but nothing about "php.h" or "zend.h". I think
from the program call 'zend_alter_ini_entry' it is very much a Zend/PHP
orientated thing. Which I visited both sites and read up on but no example
code, no helpful pointers that I could find?

If someone can actually come up with a constructive soultion or head way to
this question I'd be most greatful... A code example would be brilliant!!

Regards, kibble.

FYI: I have RTFM, all I require is a little help.

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