I know this belongs in the developers list..but for some reason, it's not
allowing me to subscribwe, so I'm posting it here.

When I upgrade to 4.0.5rc6, i get the following error:

Warning: MySQL Connection Failed: Can't connect to local MySQL server
through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (111) in
/home/sites/site1/web/intranet/main.php on line 309

When I reinstall 4.0.4pl1, all works perfectly.  I'm using RH Linux 6.2,
Mysql 3.23.36 from RPMs on mysql.com.
Here is my configure line I used for both 4.0.4pl1 and 4.0.5rc6
./configure --with-mysql --with-imap=/usr/lib --enable-trans-sid --with-apxs

Here is the code it chokes on when using RC6, but not 4.0.4pl1
303 - function pull_emp_db($username,$password)
304        {
305        $user = "***";   //username needed to access db
306        $pass = "****";   //password needed to access db
307        $db_server = "localhost";   //the mysql db server
308        $db = "lrefined";    //Name of the database where information is
309        $db_connect = mysql_connect("$db_server", "$user", "$pass");
310              if (! $db_connect)

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