> Hi there, I have been building a player script which outputs a windows
> media asx playlist with theheader output type of video-ms-wmv. I have 
> experienced some wierd issues
> when i use ifstatements at certain points with the header tag enclosed within 
> it, i get
> unexpected results on themac plugin. "Playlist format is unrecognised" Ie
> if ($_SESSION['referer_checked']) {
> header(aplicationtype ...);
> echo $asx_playtlist here
> }
> Is there somehow that an if statement is adding stuff to the header when
> it shouldnt be ? 

An IF statement isn't going to affect headers. There must be something else in 
your code doing the damage. Start printing things out or logging values to a 
file so you can track what's going on and what changes there are. The only way 
an IF could affect something is if you mistakenly put

if($somevar = 'somevalue')

which is an _assignment_ instead of an _equality_ check and always comes out 
true. Then if you used "$somevar" somewhere  it's value may be messed up and 
corrupt your file or headers. 

---John Holmes... 

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