On Friday 24 December 2004 12:02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> The result of $_POST['vars'] is blank !

And this was the result of using the form that you originally had or the 
corrected form that Matthew suggested? If you want the form values to be 
available in $_POST then you need to specify method="POST" in your form. May 
I suggest that you get a better understanding of HTML before attempting to 
use PHP?

> There is two servers for the test, one is using Fedora Core 2 Linux ( come
> with php 4.x.x ), another is using W2k + php 5.xx !

And just what version is 4.x.x? If you want help you have to be *specific*. 
Although in this case one can presume that Fedora Core 2 is recent enough to 
be shipping with a version of PHP newer than 4.1.0.

> So, I think may be the problem of php config...
> But I don't know how to fix the problem ( setting of php config ) !

You don't need to change any of the default settings in php.ini to make this 

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.biz
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