Ben wrote:
Daniel Schierbeck wrote:

Tony Di Croce wrote:

What points can I bring up in PHP's favor? In what areas does PHP trounce ASP?

First of all, ASP doesn't run on anything but Windows servers (unless you're willing to use ChiliASP... *hiss*)

Exactly! Portability is key. Not being locked into a particular OS or web server allows for much more flexibility as you go forward.

- Ben

Flexibility of usage is another one. Most PHP code out there has a license agreement that is pretty flexible (e.g. PHP license) and will allow you to sell the code, build commercial projects derived from the code, or use the code for your own personal (read: free) usage.

Most importantly: most PHP code out there is open source and plain text. So if you want to change something you can usually do it with ease. Or you can at least see how it works and build something on your own that fits your purposes better. I have learned a *tremendous* amount about how things work in the web by just looking at what other people have done in their projects (e.g. PEAR projects) and reading their comments (if the author bothered to comment the code :) ).

-- Teach a person to fish...

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