From: mario [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Hi all
> I have few variables in this format:
> $isproductssorttext = "150";
> $isofferssorttext = "250";
> $isnewproductssorttext = "350";
> $isproductscount = "50";
> $isofferscount = "30";
> $isnewproductscount = "20";
> etc....
> What I want to do is have a variable
> e.g. $x = "products";
> and create from that, the variable $is'products'sorttext
> (<--$isproductssorttext) and use its value
> so if $x was "offers" on echo I would have (250) <-- 
> "$isofferssorttext"
> if $x was newproducts on echo I would have (350) <-- 
> "$isnewproductssorttext"

I'd imagine, at this point, you'd need to move into the realm of
associative arrays.

        $x = 'products';

        $issorttext[$x] = 150;
        $isnewsorttext[$x] = 350;
        $iscount[$x] = 50;
        $isnewcount[$x] = 20;

After this, you'd end up with four arrays of one key each ('products'),
referenced as such:

        echo $issorttext['products']; // echoes 150

Then do the same for the key 'offers' and you'd have the same four
arrays, but now each with two keys.

Hope this wasn't too confusing an explanation.   :)

Mike Johnson             Smarter Living, Inc.
Web Developer  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (617) 886-5539

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