David OBrien wrote:
I have RTFM and TTFE and still am having a heck of a time getting my objects to play well between pages
The only real examples are in the notes for classes & objects

(are you on php4 or php5 btw?)

Basic usage <? include_once("config.inc"); include_once("class.php");

indeed, you must include classes for objects stored in a session before starting the session. :-)

$songbook = new songbook(); // defined in the class.php

if you are creating this object on every page/call and then assigning it
to the session it will always have a blank/null userid. because
each call overwrites the old object thats stores with a brand new
one. so you need to check the session to see if a songbook
object is already available. so you only ever see the login screen in your example.


alternative is using $_SESSION. but if you do you must call session_start() first:

if (!isset($_SESSION['songbook']) || !is_object($_SESSION['songbook'])

    || !(get_class($_SESSION['songbook']) == 'songbook'))
        $_SESSION['songbook'] = new songbook;

if (!isset($songbook->userid) || $songbook->userid == "") {
    header("Location: login.php");

Now the login.php is basically the same but if the login correctly it should set $songbook->userid to the username

$songbook = new songbook();
if ( isset($_POST['submitit'])) {
$link = dbconnector();
$sql = "select * from userinfo where lower(username)=lower('".$_POST['user']."') and lower(password)=lower('".$_POST['pass']."')";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
if( mysql_num_rows($result) > 0 ) {
$songbook->userid = strtolower($_POST['user']);
header("Location: green.php");
} else {
$errormsg = "<font size=3>Invalid Username or Password.<br>\nPlease Try Again.</font>";

So I guess what I am asking is how DO you make objects work across pages?

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