> I have written a simple script that when a date in an array matches todays
> date, it sends an email (notifies me when bills are due). Any ideas on how
> to make this run once a day? Can you do a cron job on a PHP prog?

It can, and run basically like any other shell script.

The first line needs to be the dash-bang that point to your PHP binary.


Note that the opening tag is required.  No closing tag is required.
Note that you can/should compile PHP to contain the CLI binary (new releases
do).  You can check what kind of PHP binary you have using -v:

Shell> /usr/local/php/bin/php -v

To keep track of scripts that I run under Apache, versus those that run on
the command line, I use the .psh extension on those that run on the command

Hans Zaunere
President, Founder
New York PHP

Gmail: The 1gb spam catcher 

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