Im trying to evaluate a string representation of the output of var_export(),
as an array.
To make a long story short, Im using curl to fetch another php page,
that uses var_export to echo out php data structures.
The fetched data via curl, is a string. Something like ->
array ( 'foo' => 'bar', )

I would like to convert this to a real array.
Im currently trying this ->
$ret = curl_exec($this->curl_handle);
$str = '$array = $ret;';
var_dump($ret, $array);

The resulting var_dump() shows that my eval'ed data is still a string.
string(27) "array ( 'foo' => 'bar', )" string(27) "array ( 'foo' => 'bar', )"
What should I be doing to get it as an array ->
array(1) { ["foo"]=> string(3) "bar" }

Thanks for your time.

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