Here is my setup
Windows 2000 with latest service packs

One apache 1.3 install, but two services running off it with two
different configuration files. One file is for PHP4 and one is for
PHP5, and that works like a charm. Oh, both PHP's are running as SAPI
modules for Apache, not as CGI. I'm using both the LoadModule and
AddModule directives.

PHP4 is in c:/php and PHP5 is in c:/php5.

The issue? Neither PHP's seem to be able to find php.ini and for some
really stupid reason, neither of the PHPs seem to really care. I don't
even know how PHP is running without its php.ini file, especially
since its able to load extensions even though, according to phpinfo,
it's trying to find extensions in directories that don't even exist!

I've added both php's directories into my PATH enviroment variable in
windows, I've added SetEnv PHPRC C:/php in httpd.php4.conf (obviously
the apache conf file for php4) and that does nothing for PHP4. I
haven't tried anything for PHP5 because on the immediate side of
things, its not important.

PHP4 is looking for php.ini in c:\WINNT, and its not there. There is
nothing of PHP's files inside any windows directory, no dlls, no ini
files, nothing. Everything is contained in PHP's own directory, which,
so it seems, is reading it partially.

>From httpd.php4.conf - here are the config items directly related to
php, in the order in which they apear:

LoadModule php4_module "C:/php/php4apache.dll"
AddModule mod_php4.c
SetEnv PHPRC C:/php
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

The Apache PHP4 config works perfectly, php is able to run, but like I
said, phpinfo shows nothing. Now while I can't show the output of
phpinfo directly off the server,
is a copy. This is of course the PHP4 apache service outputting this.

Any help anyone could offer would be GREATLY appreciated,

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