"Greig, Euan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was hoping that I could use this function to enable me to finish scripts
> when they time out or are aborted by the user. eg display the message
> timed out". However this will not work as no output is allowed in the
> function. I can see other ways to do what I want (but suggestions would
> always be welcome) but the real point of this email is this: what sort of
> would you use register_shutdown_function to achieve?

I've used it for database inserts or calls to external programs that took a
long time, but did not affect the output sent to the browser.  In those
cases I used register_shutdown_function() inside a control structure to call
another function (after outputting HTML from within the same control

Steve Werby
President, Befriend Internet Services LLC

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