Hmm.. If PDFs are always 72dpi.. Then the OP would in other words need to
resize the PDF document (and everything on it) to 200/72 times the normal
size, and then the printer would print it correct? Hmm.. Isn't that pretty
much exactly what Richard Lynch said? Seems like a kinda ugly solution to
me, but it might be the way to go.. :p

// DvDmanDT
MSN: dvdmandt€
Mail: dvdmandt€
"Richard Lynch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev i meddelandet
> DvDmanDT wrote:
> > Take a quick look at imagecopyresampled.. It can change the size of an
> > image
> > pretty good.. Now I know nothing about PDFs really.. But I suppose you
> > could
> > just scale it with the GD functions then place the result in a PDF..
> > the PDF functions can scale as well though.. Although, try both, because
> > chances are the PDF functions will resize instead of resample, and
> > resampling gives a MUCH nicer result in most cases..
> In my experience, the libPDF just embeds the full picture in the document,
> and lets the printer/renderer worry about the dpi...
> So if you put a 300-dpi image in a PDF (72-dpi) scaled at 1.0 and print
> it, the image still comes out 300-dpi.
> If you scale the image to 2.0, you get a 150-dpi image (or whatever it
> works out to) to get that image in that much space.
> There may be ways to change this, or maybe I was mis-interpreting what I
> saw in my PDFs on my printer, but that's what it seemed like to me.
> -- 
> Like Music?

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