electroteque wrote:

On 29/01/2005, at 12:02 AM, Jochem Maas wrote:

classes cannot be defined as static - defining them as abstract has the effect
of being able to only use a given class statically (unless you subclass it and the subclass
is not abstract).

abstract as in it is the final base class ?

no abstract as in 'cannot be instantiated' try running the following:

abstract class MyClass
        public function __construct()
                echo "boo!";

$mc = new MyClass;

the 'final' keyword is used to declare that a class or method cannot be
overridden by (or in) a subclass.

variables inside it, or its only meant to stay in the one static method so

yes you can use variables - but not member variables because $this is not defined in functions
that are declared static - bare in mind you can call a method statically even though its not
marked as static (just be sure you don't reference $this).

i meant member vars , what is the point of static methods anyway ?

difficult question. a start would be to say that static methods offer a neat way to organise your code (sort of cheapmans namespace).

PHP5 also offers static class vars:

abstract class MyClass
        static private $val;

        static public function set($v)
                self::$val = $v;

        static public function speak()
                if (!is_null(self::$val)) {
                        echo self::$val."\n";
                } else {
                        echo "<silence>\n";


sidenote: the php4 trick of overwriting $this does not work in PHP5.

that i cant live with

good ;-) ... the reason it doesn't work is the same reason PHP5 objects are soooo much cooler, namely a rewritten object model. thank the gods!

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