On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 22:14:52 -0800, Steve Slater
> At 10:43 AM 1/27/2005, Richard Lynch wrote:
> >Ben Edwards wrote:
> > > Been meaning to investigate persistent database connections for a
> > > while.  Coming from a rdbms background (oracle with a bit of whatcom
> > > sqlanywhare) I have always felt that the overhead of opening a
> > > connection at the beginning of each page was a little resource
> > > intensive.
> The mysql_pconnect() function should work well to solve the wasted
> resource/overhead you describe.
> But you should be aware that the pconnect function does not exist
> in the mysqli set of PHP functions. The mysqli functions allow you to
> access newer features of MySQL 4.1 and higher...like prepared statements.
> Here is the blurb from Zend:
> http://www.zend.com/php5/articles/php5-mysqli.php#fn1

So basicaly they are saying that as the connection is hot closed at
the end of eatch page you will need mysql to be able to hold a lot
more open connections concurently.  I guess its something that needs
checking with the ISP of the site in question.

> Steve
> ------------------
> Steve Slater
> Information Security Training and Consulting
> PHP / MySQL / Web App Security (LAMP) Training:
> http://www.handsonsecurity.com/training.html

Ben Edwards - Poole, UK, England
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