Jason Barnett wrote:

Chris wrote:


Are there any places that might have instructions on compiling PECL extensions on Windows? I tried going the pear install <package> route, but fileinfo is not considered stable yet.


Trying a PEAR or PECL list might do you more good. That being said... are you trying to install packages that are listed as unstable when your configuration tries to install stable releases?

I tried pear install fileinfo, and got the message "No release with state equal to: 'stable' found for 'fileinfo'". I installed Pear for the sole purpose attempting to get fileinfo compiled. I know *nothing* about it. If I'm understanding you correctly there may be a way to modify the pear config to compile unstable releases? I'll look into that (hadn't occured to me before)

I am just trying to get a version of fileinfo (preferably the latest) working on my PHP 5.0.1 on Win2k Pro. This is a test-only server, so I'm not too picky about what, or how, but, since I'll probably want more PECL extensions in the future, I may as well learn the proper way to do it.


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