The expression that I found won't work anymore is an own pseudo-lang
markup that renders into html-lists.

Expression for grabbing a list, Example: 
        [lista] some text [/lista]

@\[\s*(lista)\s*(sq|o|\*|#|a|i)?\s*\]([^\x00]*?)\[/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

$3 is then treated separated into html list-items <li>.
List-items are created by a pseudotag [punkt] or linebreaks. Its one
way, you can't mix them both here.

// Explode the string into an array
$hits = preg_split('#(\[\s*punkt\s*\][^\x00]*?\[/\s*\punkt\s*\])#',
$matches[3], -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);

                        foreach($hits as $index=>$element){

                                if(  ($index%2)==0){
                                        // strings
                                        $element = preg_split('/\s*\r+
\s*/', trim($element), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMTPY);

                                        foreach($element as $val){
                                                // Replace innerstyles
                                                        // Replace
nestled lists
>search_and_replace($val, $this->_reg_search['lista'] );
>_check_content($val , $matches[1] );
                                                        // Add list
($textarray, '<li '.$list_style.'>'.$val.'</li>');

                                        // [punkt]
\[\s*punkt\s*\]([^\x00]*?)\[/\s*\punkt\s*\]#', '$1',$element);
                                        // replace linebreaks
                                        $element = preg_replace('/\r/',
'<br />', $element);

                                        // Replace innerstyles
                                        // Replace nestled lists
($val, $this->_reg_search['lista'] );
($element , $matches[1] );

                                        // Add list element
                                        array_push($textarray, '<li

> Kristian Hellquist wrote:
> > Hi!
> > 
> > I had a script for parsing text into html, similar to phpBB. Everything
> > has been working fine until now. Some of my 'pseudotags' like [b] are
> > still recognized (parsed into <b>) but some more advanced pattern
> > matching is not. I haven't changed the code, but the php-version on the
> > server has changed from "default" on debian-woody to php-4.3.10. I
> > haven't made the upgrade myself.
> > 
> > The users of the site reported the bug to me this week, but the users
> > aren't active so I don't really know when then bug was created. Because
> > I know it has worked before.
> > 
> > Does any of you have a clue or experience of this? Or has my code been
> > mysterious altered on the server?
> An example of the expressions?

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