Sander Holthaus - Orange XL wrote:
Sander Holthaus - Orange XL wrote:


Fix or disable that script.

I wish I could, but I'm not a PHP-programmer (can read it and can do some
basic programming, but I lack in-depth knowledge of PHP).

well disabling it is fairly easy ;-).... rm -f ./xxx.php

I also see several thousands of notices in the PHP-error log within the time-frame of a single second, plus diveded by zero, etc.

Are they coming from the same script?...

Those notices, yes.

Again, fix or disable that script.

Of course, I asked the programmer to fix all of these issues.Among others, there was a script that outputted a html-form with

2 columns,

100 rows each containing select-boxes with 100 full names

(and those

100 names were the same of every column/row in that form :-|).

You're simply going to have to work with that programmer to get them to write better code, or not work with them (terminate their account).

As it is a personal friend, it is an difficult situation. Getting him to
write better code isn't easy, he's mainly interested in functionality and
getting program done ASAP.

a script that functions is a one that doesn't crash the box. quick'n'dirty or inefficient scripts don't have to cause problems per se, his script is just plain borked. if you need to ensure the box is running then you _can't_ let him run it till its fixed, friend or not. besides if it is a friend then presumably you are offering space/resources for free - under such circumstances your interest in keeping the machine up precludes his interest in functionality and ASAP programming - and would be understanding of your interests (just as you seem to be of his ;-). no?

But the problem is not so much that someone is using broken and the most inefficient scripts, but more that they are crashing

the entire box!

That's definitely not good.


:-( The downside would be, IMHO, that I would need to pro-actively check
everything that is going on concerning PHP, in order to prevent any major
problems. (one and a halve month ago, some clients on an other installation
who hadn't mainted phpBB also caused me the necessary problems). Also, when
clients are non-commercial, a good programmer is out of the question (which
applies to this case too). I wonder how mass hosting companies get arround
these issue's?

by not garanteeing full uptime ;-) and having lots of machine across which to spread the risk etc.

Thanks for the input!

Kind Regards,
Sander Holthaus

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