On 8 Feb 2005 Jochem Maas wrote:

> This was aimed at me. I personally wouldn't touch a CCN with a barge pole,
> I did say it was 'best' not to accept them at all, although accepting them and
> immediately passing them on via an SSL link (e.g. with cURL) is probably
> 'good enough' - at least, apparently, 10,000s of merchant seem to think so.

That was my point.  Also you personally might not want to deal with 
them -- but would you always advise a client who hired you to develop a 
web site the same way?  Or would it depend on their needs and concerns 
and the functions of the site?

> >> cat /dev/mem | strings | egrep "^[0-9]+$"
> nice bit of magic tho, Greg  :-)

I agree, but to me the issue here is these two views:

    - "I have analyzed the need to accept credit cards and the risks
    of doing so.  The risks are too great compared to the value so I
    will not accept credit card numbers on my site". 

    - "I can imagine a way someone could gain access to them so I will
    not accept credit card numbers on my site." 

The latter is being confused with the former.  The latter, to me, is 
not a good reaosn.  The former is.


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