Rgl wrote:
Has anybody else noticed session-only cookies not disappearing when using
Firefox? Is this a Firefox bug (should they be notified/ or I get latest
Firefox) ?

<grin>They finally released 1.0, and yet you still use 0.8?</grin> I use Firefox quite regularly, but I don't experience the problem that you describe. Then again I use 1.0 now (though I used 0.8 for a while and don't recall having this problem at that time either...)

Using IE6 I can: setcookie('sesvar', 'this session only', 0, "", "www.mypersonaldomain.net"); This can be read and disappears after the browser has been closed.

Doing the same with Firefox 0.8 the cookie can be read, but also can be read
when the browser has been closed and a new one opened. It can also be read
after logging out, closing the browser and reopening a new browser.

Very strange indeed! I honestly can't think of why the browser would store the cookie longer than a session, *especially* if your PHP script used cookie destruction.

Any ideas

Many Thanks


PS - I hope that this is the correct place to ask this question

A better place is the Firefox online forum: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewforum.php?f=38

There are a lot of knowledgeable people (more knowledgeable than me at
least!) on that forum and it is *very* active.

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