[ snipped ]

Oh!  You're so mean!!  ;)

A lot of people are making some great points. I feel I must strighten
this out a little. While I may not be the best coder in the world I
do have my reasons. I originally made the passwords automatically
generated and emailed to the user. Nice complicated ones! I was
immediately shot down for doing this because no one here liked the
idea of having complicated passwords! I was told to allow the user to
chose their own so I merely wanted to make sure no one could have
stupid passwords like "aaa". So I just added a few limitations. Besides, my small website doesn't hold any sensitive information about
anyone so it wouldn't be the end of the world if some cracked it!

Try something like http://sourceforge.net/projects/pwgen/ which generates passwords that are easy for humans to remember, yet not that "dumb".

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