joe Lovick wrote:
> Hi,
>     forgive me if this is a complete noob question....
>     What i want to do is create an object at runtime with members and
> methods based on the result of queries from my db back end. is this (a)

Creating an object based on the result of a query shouldn't be a
problem.  I'm not sure what logic you want to use exactly, but it is
more or less like this:

if ($some_condition) {
  $obj = new FirstObject($arg1, $arg2);
  $obj->prop1 = 'test';
  $obj->prop2 = 1234.56;
} else {
  $obj = new SecondObject($arg2);
  $obj->prop1 = 'I am second object';

*HOWEVER* adding methods at runtime is only implemented in PHP4.

Currently there is no explicit support for this in PHP5, although you
could probably make something usable with the __call() magic function.

> possible? or (b) something i should get out of my head and go and find a
> better solution?

Creating objects at runtime based upon certain conditions is sometimes
the best way.  I don't suggest this in all cases mind you, but in some
cases this is quite useful (for example, database abstraction).

*HOWEVER* I do *not* recommend trying to aggregate methods dynamically.
 I mean you can do this, but if possible just create a specialized class
that will do what you want instead of trying to add methods at runtime.

class DB {
  function connect() {}
  function query() {}
  /** whatever other methods */

class MySQL extends DB {

class MySQL_4_1 extends MySQL {
  function query() {}
  function silly_function_only_relevant_to_MySQL_4_1() {}

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