Well, but I don't use multithreading? PHP is running as CLI exec, not compiled into Apache...

That's my configure command:
./configure  --enable-pcntl --with-curl --with-mysql

Or do I have to care for thread safety anyway?


Richard Lynch wrote:
Steve wrote:

I have a program which creates a lot of children over the time, which
terminate themselves after they are finished.

After some time however, the parent process hangs; apparently in
pcntl_fork(). The child from this fork, however, seems to run normally.
An strace on the parent shows "futex(0x471cb0, FUTEX_WAIT, 2, NULL"

The program runs on PHP 5.0.3-cli and Linux 2.6.

Has anyone an idea what could be the reason for that hang?

Didja try:

I did and got:

So I'm guessing you didn't compile *everything* on your PHP/Apache system
with multi-thread support.

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