
when connecting to MySQL 4.1 using PHP 5 and PEAR::DB I get this error:

DB Error: connect failed

a closer look gets this:

Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket 'localhost' (2)

the code for the connection is like this::

public static function getConnection() {
   $mysql_user = "myname";
   $mysql_password = "secret";
   $mysql_host = "localhost";
   $db_name = "mydb";
   $dsn = "mysqli://$mysql_user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/$db_name";
   echo $dsn;
   $db = DB::connect($dsn);
   if(DB::isError($db)) {
      echo $db->getMessage();
   return $db;             

the DSN looks correct:
and in the php.ini I set the following option:

mysqli.default_socket = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock

this is where the socket for mysql access is.
then I restarted apache and mysqld.

the MySQL Server is running. I can connect via mysql on the command line
but not with PEAR::DB. 

I am using PHP 5, the latest PEAR::DB, Apache 1.3 on a Redhat 7.3 System.

any ideas what's wrong here ?


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