On Thu, 2005-02-17 at 23:50, K Karthik wrote:
> i have got string as "/home/karthik/welcome.php/view.php"
> i just need "view.php" how shall i remove rest of the string.
> please do help me.i am new to php.
> -thanks,
> karthik

Lets see if you can learn to fish.

Since you are new you should learn that one of the greatest resources in
all of opensource software is the php.net documentation.

try entering php.net/searchterm in the browser
ie: php.net/filename

hmm looks like there is a function called basename you might want to
look at.

The manual has all functions arranged by functional area ( eg

I can't tell you enough what a powerful resource this was to me a a
beginning php programmer and remains so to this day.


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