Gerard wrote:
>> I'm no expert on this stuff, but I'd be checking my swap space usage and
>> RAM usage with 'top' or any other tools available...  I suppose you
>> probably already did that, but...
> Top shows that there's still normal non-swap memory available, so I don't
> think that's it.

What exactly are you using in httpd.conf to make PHP "work"?

Do you have any mod_rewrite rules going on in httpd.conf?

Do you perhaps have mod_rewrite's engine LOGGING turned on, and cranked up
really high, when rules that involve PHP kick in?

Just a Wild Guess, but perhaps you have some real funkiness going on
before PHP ever gets involved, it just LOOKS like a PHP problem.

Another test:
Did you happen to compile a PHP CGI/CLI at the same time as the PHP Module
you are using?

If so, how long does it take to run "php -f /path/to/your/test/file.php"
from the command line?

Granted, it's not EXACTLY the same code base as the PHP Module, but if
that's "fast" and the Module is "slow" you have more indication that the
problem is really *before* PHP kicks in.

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