On Tue, 2005-03-01 at 03:05, Cajus Pollmeier wrote:
> Am Dienstag, 1. März 2005 09:14 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> > You can send a piece of HTML defining some little thing like a div layer
> > with your "please wait, bla bla bla...."
> > So the visitor can read something.
> > When the process is finished, you can write another piece of HTML
> > containing some JavaScript lines, changing the text (and icons or
> > images) so you can inform your visitor that the process had finished.
> If it's possible I'd like to avoid js ;-)
> > This is the clasical no end web page... You can do something similar
> > with frames, so in a little frame the visitor can see the status,
> > (searching, wait...) and in another big frame can do something usefull.
> I'm going to evaluate some things...

I don't know where I read it but there are some ideas out there that
people use to monitor long running html uploads and provide status on
them.  IIRC the main idea was to write the status to a file ( or like
you said, to a session var) and periodically reload the page to get the
latest status.  Now that I think about it it may have been a how to do a
status bar for uploads.  I do not recall if it needed js or not. 


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