sorry, i googled again, read nearly every post wich containes mysql and upgrade but i can't find a useful answer in this list. perhaps its me...

so my question is still the same, would i have to recompile php or not


what means need?
nobody needs an internet,using mysql4 would just makes things easier (like using nested SELECTS)

... shure there is a lot of spam at the list, i did not asked for "reasons for an upgrade" because i already knew about that, so the next one who is googling for the problem, gets annoyed of the unuseful answer

John Nichel schrieb:
Peter wrote:


i'm thinking of updating my mysql-server from 3.23 to 4.1.10, and i can't find any serious information if i would have to rebuild php too.

anybody tryed this already??

system: debian linux, apache 1.3.31, php 4.3.9, mysql 3.23.52

thanks peter

Please don't spam the list with multiple messages asking the same question.

Before you 'upgrade', ask youself, "Do I need to upgrade?".

What features do you need in 4.1.x that are not present in 3.x?

If the answer to that is 'none', you're probably better off leaving it alone. If you still fell you _have_ to upgrade, think about using the 4.0.x version instead of 4.1.x. If you 'upgrade' to MySQL 4.1.x, and don't go with PHP5, you really haven't done anything for your apps, as you won't be able to take advantage of some of the new features.

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