woldhekkie wrote:
> thanks verry much RICHARD,
> learning to program is hell for newbies.
> tried vb.net, autoit,purebasic,asp and more.
> Not one of them is perfect.
> It seems php is easyer learning than asp, so i will stick with php. Our
> mail/webserver does both.
> I deeply respect programmers. it would be nice if i could also "think" my
> programs.
> But i am just an administrator.
> One question:
> A php programmer like you can program anything, but do you ? Can you make
> money with it.
> Or is it just like everything else: verry difficult.

Like anything else, you can make money at it, with a ton of work.

The problem with most get rich quick schemes, is it's really the other guy
who gets rich quick. :-)

I personally make less money than I should because I don't do boring
projects or ones that I think the client will drive me crazy. [shrug]

Just not worth it to me.

I'd rather flip burgers at McDonald's than work with a client/project I hate.

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