M. Sokolewicz wrote:

well, you can simply use the unix timestamp, since the amount of days / seconds since 0 AD/BC will be a constant (it won't change, trust me), you can simply add it to that, and add a wrapper function to php's time(). You'll be working with VERY big numbers in that case, so you can also do it the other way around; store the amount of DAYS since 0 AD/BC till Jan 1st 1970, add time()/86400, and you'll have the amount of days since 0 AD/BC in an integer (or float, depending on how many days that really are).

You'll just need to find that constant somewhere :)

Can't be too hard to calculate it:

1970 * 365 + 1 day for each leap year. Note the rules for leap year, of course.


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