Jackson Linux wrote:
Hi, everyone, I apologise if this posts twice; I'm having issues with my outgoing email server.

I'm making 'teasers' of the first, say 200 to 250 characters of some articles. This works great:

    $content = strip_tags($article['content']);
    $striptease = substr($content, 0, 275);

but cuts off words right in the midd ...

I'd like to find a way to take $content, look at the first 250 characters, then count backwards to the last space and chop it there.

Does anyone have an ideas/scripts for this?

Thanks in advance,

You can do something like this...

function subEndWord ( $string, $start, $max ) {
        $string = substr ( $string, $start, $max );
        $string = preg_replace ( "/\s\w+$/", "", $string );
        return $string;

Untested, but should work.  Tinker with the RegEx to perfect it.

John C. Nichel

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