I am about to pull my hair out trying to figure out why this isn't working.
I figured I would wait and hope that someone else's eyes would pick
something up, though.  I am running it on 4.04pl1 CGI / Win 2k / IIS 5.  I
am trying to read from the session files that are in C:\php\sessiondata in
order to create an administration script to open up each session file, grab
each username variable that I have registered in it, and print the names to
the screen.

This is the code I have with comments describing what is happening when I
run it:

function show_loggedin_users() {
  if ($dir = opendir('c:/php/sessiondata')) {
    while($files = readdir($dir)) {
      if (substr($files,0,1) != '.') {  //don't want the '.' or '..' files
        $sess_id[$loopcounter]=substr($files, 5);  //get the sid from the
filename (removes the sess_ from the filename)


        $fp = fopen($fullfilepath, "r");  //open up the session's file

        $fcontents = fread($fp, filesize($fullfilepath));  //get the
contents of the file - it won't, though!
        echo $fcontents; //just to check to see if it worked - it doesn't
print anything

There is a session file in the directory, there are registered variables in
the file, and I can print $fullfilepath and get a correct path and filename
to the file.  I also tried fgets instead of fread.  Nothing seems to work,

Any corrections/thoughts/comments are appreciated.

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