On 3/14/2005 1:26 PM Richard Lynch wrote:
PHP I'm already building from Source. Uninstalling all of MySQL doesn't
seem to be an option because of that dovecot dependency.

What I'd really like to know (among so many other things) is how
configure is determining which MySQL it should use. Also knowing the
difference between PHP via a browser (via apache) and PHP on the command
line would give me some clues. I don't understand why the client API
version for mysqli is different according to how PHP is accessed.

Suppose, just for the sake of argument, that your Apache had
mod_auth_mysql compiled into it.

Also suppose, for the sake of argument, that it was on version MySQL 3
when you did that.

When you try to compile PHP, it *CANNOT* use MySQL 4 in the PHP Module, or
Apache's mod_auth_mysql would get all fargled up.

The CLI version, however, does not have that constraint.

*MAYBE* configure is smart enough to figure this kind of stuff out, and
that's why you got what you got.

More likely, you've still got MySQL 3 installed somewhere on your system.

If you're not willing to un-install that, and configure isn't finding the
version you want to use, then start reading/hacking the Makefiles that
configure builds.

A-ha! Thank you! This is the kind of information I was looking for. I looked into mod_auth_mysql. It isn't compiled in, but it appears that it specifically wants to use libmysqlclient.so.10. That's the old version. I'm not (to the best of my knowledge) using mod_auth_mysql, so I removed the line that loaded it. After restarting Apache, the client api version jumped up to 4.1.10a, where it belongs. If I do want to use mod_auth_mysql, it looks simple enough to download the latest version and build it from source.

Thank you again for your help.

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