On Wed, 2005-03-16 at 16:50 +1000, Ligaya Turmelle wrote:
> assuming you are using PEAR DB -
> $result =& $db->query("UPDATE items SET (item_name, item_desc, 
> item_price, extraprice) VALUES (?,?,?,?) WHERE item_id = 3", 
> array($_POST['title'], $_POST['description'], $_POST['price'],
>   $_POST['extraprice']));
> if (PEAR::isError($result))
> {                     
>       echo "Error: There was an error with the query.  Message returned: ";
>       die($result->getMessage().'  '.$db->getUserInfo().' '));
> }

Thanks I got it worked out though, I'm going to try this also to see
what happens, I'm trying to learn the best I can and when things break
and you fix em you learn a lot more.  Thanks again.

PS this is what I did:

$db->query('UPDATE items SET item_name=?, item_desc=?, item_price=?,
extraprice=? WHERE item_id = 3',
            array($_POST['title'], $_POST['description'],
$_POST['price'], $_POST['extraprice']));

I've already posted this to the list, but it may not be there yet.

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