M. Sokolewicz wrote:
> William Stokes wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Again this might be more of a HTML quetion. If so sorry about that.
>> Anyway I was just trying to make a log out button to a page. It should
>> end a session or/and close browser window. (Closing browser ends the
>> session as well I think?
> no

Well... depends on whether you are using the so-called "session" cookie.
 I.e. if your cookies have a lifetime of 0, then they *should* be
destroyed when the browser is closed.


> Make a button. In the submitted form, get the session-id, destroy the
> data, and remove the cookie. The output some JS to close the window.
> see http://www.php.net/session_destroy for more info

Agreed!  Heck, you even close the browser with some JS... how well does
that work?  (I'm curious whether pop-up blockers / mozilla / etc. would
stop JS from doing that)

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