The initialisation seems to be ok, since :

Function return_freedb_search($array)
global $freedb;
$freedb =& new freedbaxs();
$freedb->freedb_search($txt); //line 16...

and also

$freedb =& new freedbaxs();
Function return_freedb_search($array)
global $freedb;
//$freedb->freedb_search($txt); //line 16...


those line are all in a PHP file which is include if needed, by
parsing the template file.
So the file is include (then 
$freedb =& new freedbaxs();
should be executed)

and return_freedb_search is call a bit later. Everythin has always
worked fine, but this is the first time I tried with an object, and
all i got is this error. that's really strange, and I really don't
have a clue about what is going on. (is the object disapearing ? )

On Sat, 19 Mar 2005 19:59:55 +0100, Evert - Rooftop Solutions
> pooly wrote:
> > I'm trying to use a global object (declared at a upper level), but all
> > I got is :
> > Call to a member function on a non-object in
> > /home/pooly/public_html/templeet/modules/freedb.php on line 16
> >
> > part of the code is :
> > $freedb =& new freedbaxs();
> > Function return_freedb_search($array)
> > {
> >     global $freedb;
> >     [snip]
> >         $freedb->freedb_search($txt);
> >
> >
> I don't see an error in this code, perhaps you should give us a bit more
> information.
> grt,
> Evert
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