Matt Babineau wrote:
Hi all,

I'm trying to use "pmtt" to display a windows explorer style view of
products in a database. If anyone is familiar with "pmtt" could you send me
an email, I'm looking for some help. I built some code to pull the "Levels"
out of the database, I need some help tracking which level the user is
clicking on so that I can create a drill-down scenario. I know this can most
likely be achieved more easily using the adjacent tree method, but I need
something a bit more robust than that. Let me know if you have created any
systems that are drill-down style menus or whatnot, I'm interested in the
methods you used to achieve your success.

How are you tracking them now? What's not working?

Sitepoint has a great article that has PHP snippets on both pmtt and the "flat" drill-down method.

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