/* check for errors */
$arrCheckItems = array( 
/* check for blanks */
foreach($_POST AS $key=>$value){
        if(in_array(niceName($key), $arrCheckItems)){
                $errorsReported[] = notBlank($key, $value);

Even if the return from notBlank is nothing, $errorReported[] gets set
for each item passed in the foreach loop. I have tried using conditional
returns in the function, but to no avail. Perhaps my logic is screwed on

I changed to  the following code and it solves the problem ...

foreach($_POST AS $key=>$value){
        if(in_array(niceName($key), $arrCheckItems)){
                $nbr = notBlank($key, $value);
                if(!('' == $nbr)){
                        $errorsReported[] = $nbr;

Before I was directly assigning the value of the return from the
notBlank function to $errorsReported. Now something only gets assigned
to $errorsReported if there is something to assign. 

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