I have a form like this:
<form action="products.php" method="post">
<input name="position[pos][$value]"  type="text"  id="position[pos][$value]"  
value="number 1">
<input name="position[pos][$value]"  type="text"  id="position[pos][$value]"  
value="number 2">
<input name="position[pos][$value]"  type="text"  id="position[pos][$value]"  
value="number 3">

Note that $value from position[pos][$value] is different in all 3 fields. 

For each element of the array i want to update the value in the database. For 
example, for each value of the position[pos][$value] i want to update the 
database with the specific number.
Something like this:

$query = "UPDATE table SET value = 'number 1'  WHERE id='$value'"; 

Thanks in advance for your help!!!

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