My provider has provided me the solution: adding

php_flag allow_url_fopen on

to the .htaccess

Apologies to the list for wasting time and bandwidth.


On 31 Mar 2005, at 17:47, Jackson Linux wrote:

Hi, ho,

I have a problem; something which works locally is complaining on the BSD Unix server I use:

The Code: (somewhere else I define $image_dir)

<!-- If there's an image, get it, get its height and width and slap it into an image tag, otherwise, move on -->
<?php if (!empty($article['image'])) {
$image = ($article['image']);
$size1 = getimagesize("$image_dir"."$image");
$width1 = $size1[0];
$height1 = $size1[1];

include_once(INCLUDES . 'image.include.php');


The Include:
<img class='right-float' src='<?php echo $image_dir.$image ?>' width='<?php echo $width1 ?>' height='<?php echo $height1 ?>' alt='<?php echo $image ?>' border='0' />

The Error:
Warning: getimagesize(): URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /usr/www/users/user/articles/technology/index.htm on line 180

Warning: getimagesize( failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /usr/www/users/user/articles/technology/index.htm on line 180

The Question:
Anything I can do within .htaccess to make this not happen? I don't have root access or access to php.ini, and they're loathe to change the configuration on a shared servcer.

Thanks in advance,

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