Ryan A wrote:
Hey Dan,

Even if you did have something to do with these companies/softwares/classes
I would still take your advise as you have given me some real helpful advise
in the past, and a lot of others too, you're one of the helpful guys on the

Thanks, I'll chech these out, the thing is i didnt want to use any of the
pear classes as not all hosts have them installed, and if these guys switch
hosts later on....they may have a problem which means i will have a problem.

If anybody (with more experience) than I thinks I am wrong...please tell me
so and most prolly go with PEARs solution, another one high on my list is
the ADODB as I remember someone else talking about it on the list some time

You can pack PEAR classes with your project and set up include_path accordingly.

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