""FredrikAT"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm starting a news site, and I have one problem.
> (not with php or mysql, workin' fine!):
> 1. I want my authors to be able to make the text bold, italic ++,
> but I can't find anything that works.
> 2. The best sollution must be something similar to hotmails...

MS has a client-side component you can use for a WYSIWYG editor on IE --
you'll have to search the Microsoft Developer site.

If you don't want to use MS (you can't use MS's WYSIWYG editor on Netscape,
for instance), then there are some available to license -- but I've not seen
any free ones.

Yahoo! mail has one, and I guess so does Hotmail -- check the source and see
if it's a JavaScript widget. If it is, and it's a lenient license, you can
just use the JavaScript source.


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