Until some time I could make a new empty line in mysql with this query:
INSERT INTO `".$_SESSION['type']."`() VALUES ()
where $_SESSION['type'] was the table I wanted to use but now I get an error and since I use DB I just get this error

INSERT INTO `authors`() VALUES ()
*Warning*: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/local/ftp/faps/public_html/pubDB/edit/newline.php:9) in */usr/local/ftp/faps/public_html/pubDB/edit/newline.php* on line *19

*This is the file
   include "./checkuser.php";

include "../modules/connect.php";
$query = "INSERT INTO `".$_SESSION['type']."`() VALUES ()";
$res =& $db->query($query);
//Always check that result is not an error
if (DB::isError($res)) {

include "../modules/disconnect.php";
header ("Location: ./edit.php?".$_SESSION['stayurl']);

Howcome does line nine: $res =& $db->query($query); write anything??

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