> > From what I have read this is impossible to accomplish from 
> the server 
> > without prompting for a username/password.  I found an 
> activeX control 
> > (called NWSess from Novell) that will provide the currently 
> logged in user.
> >

You have not mentioned what network you are running. IF it is a Windows
network, AND you run PHP on IIS, the server variable NT_AUTH_USER is defined
for you.  However, I suspect from the fact that you are looking at COM
objects from Novell that you are running a Novell network.

> <sarcasm>Apparently it's not impossible to do this without 
> prompting for the username / password then eh?</sarcasm>
> ActiveX controls are in the COM family.  If you don't know 
> about COM then you can start by looking here:
> http://www.microsoft.com/com/default.mspx
> Now... when you find the list of commands / variables that 
> you will need from the ActiveX container then you can make 
> those calls with PHP.  The relevant part of the PHP manual is:
> http://php.net/manual/en/ref.com.php
> P.S. this sounds pretty interesting.  I (and probably others) 
> would appreciate it if you would post back to the list with a 
> [SOLVED] response that shows PHP code you used to get this working.

However, I believe this response was a little hasty as I do not believe that
the question involves running an ActiveX Control on a server, but on a
client.  In this case, the variables that are passed into your VBScript need
to be then added to an HTML form (via hidden input tags) and the form needs
to be submitted.

Thing is though, this means transmitting user network login details via POST
and this means that it would be possible for anyone on your network to watch
this traffic and get logins for anybody that uses your system.

Maybe a better solution in this case would be to associate a user account
with a network login when the account is created and store this information
in your user database.



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