On 9 Apr 2005 Andy Pieters wrote:

> It doesn't matter how you encrypt it.
> I hope that's clear enough.

A couple of people have stated this but I think it is incorrect.  For 
one thing the users themselves are very likely to store the password 
there, so why shouldn't you -- with permission of course?

Many sites will do this with a "remember my password and log me in 
automatically" feature.  Web-based discussion boards, for example, do 
this routinely and the only security risk is that someone who got 
access to your computer might get access to your account on the board.  
As long as the discussion topics are not sensitive I suspect most 
people using private computers would judge this to be an acceptable 
risk.  On the other hand I would never do it (or allow a site to do it) 
for a site where my email account could be accessed, or money could be 
charged.  But others might feel their computer is secure enough that 
they are willing to take even those risks.

Like many such questions, to me this is not something that should be 
subject to absolutes but to considered judgment, some on the part of 
the developer and some on the part of the user.


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