I think you have totally got it wrong. You pass on the value to a php script 
in the form on http://   /script.php?variable=value.

So to accomplish your need you may have to do something like call http://   

Your program should be modified to maybe something like:


$post_041005 = "article for April 10th 2005";
$post_040905 = "text for April 9th 2005";

switch ($_HTTP_GET_VARS['articleid'])
   case "post_041005": print($post_041005);
   case "post_040905": print($post_040905);
   default: echo "No articleid specified"

If you still want to call it in the form domain.com/articles.php?post_040905, 
then you may do something like this:

$post_041005 = "article for April 10th 2005";
if isset($_HTTP_GET_VARS['post_041005'])

$post_040905 = "text for April 9th 2005";
if isset($_HTTP_GET_VARS['post_040905'])


There are more efficient ways to do it, but this should get the job done.


---------- Original Message -----------
From: "Carlos Palomino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <php-general@lists.php.net>
Sent: Sat, 9 Apr 2005 21:23:06 -0400
Subject: [PHP] Viewing a specific item within a php web-page?

> I have a document entitled: articles.php
> Within this document, I want to store various written articles which 
> are headed by a string value - example:
> $post_040905 = "text for April 9th 2005";
> print($post_040905);
> $post_041005 = "article for April 10th 2005";
> print($post_041005);
> How can I view a specific string's text via the browser?  I thought 
> I could use domain.com/articles.php?post_040905  and only the 
> content written for that post would be shown.  However, all of the 
> posts are shown. I just began reading about PHP from limited 
> tutorials so I am at a loss as to how I can accomplish this.  I 
> would appreciate all assistance in this matter.
> Best Regards,
> Carlos
------- End of Original Message -------

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