> Hi there, I have been testing a possible solution to reduce the ammount of
> interface calling scriptsto my class files. Currently each class has a 
> calling script. I am

For PHP5 you can try __autoload().  It provides for you a last-chance /
just in time loading of a class file.  The main drawback of using this
is that there is (currently) only one __autoload() function allowed, but
this limitation should be removed once PHP5.1.0 gets rolled out.

> thinking of setting up a url like /currentdir/packagename/classname, mind you 
> this is only a test but is it a
> good or bad bad idea ?I have run into troubles getting get queries because 
> its calling the
> classname in the query alreadyso /packagename/classname?test=1 doesnt work.

Using rewrite rules would be another way you could do it.  Or you could
have one "main" include file that would set some variable (call it
$base_dir) that points to the filesystem folder that is your root
directory.  I.e.


/** "main" include file */
$base_dir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/';

/** now include some other global classes relative to this $base_dir */
include_once ($base_dir . 'path/from/docroot/to/class.php');



/** some other script loads main config file */
require_once '/path/to/main.php';

/** now get your required classes */
require_once $base_dir . 'path/to/some/class.php';


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