Make sure there are no extra characters (including linefeeds) after the 
closing "?>" in your php source file.
 Brandon Ryan
 On 12 Apr 2005 19:42:17 -0000, Dipesh Khakhkhar <
> Hi,
> I am using php to generate and xml output file from another xml file using 
> xsl.
> The file is getting created properly and the xml instruction element is at 
> 1st line.
> I am using ant to get the output remotely but it is adding one extra line 
> i.e. carriage return. I checked everything in my xsl, tried 
> xsl:strip-space, no indent etc but as i said file is properly created. I 
> have checked my echo's and print statments but there is none.
> If somebody has tried to direct the output of browser through ant (or some 
> other tool) and came across the same situation and tackled it please inform 
> me. Does the php interpreter enters a carriage return by default as i tried 
> to remome the xml contents and print one normal line of output it still gave 
> me carriage return in the first line.
> Any help will be highly appreciated.
> Thanks!

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