Richard Davey wrote:
Hello Kim,

Thursday, April 14, 2005, 2:59:05 PM, you wrote:

KM> Look in the archives, itīs less than 2 weeks since this was
KM> discussed (again :-)

If you're referring to the subject "Multilingual Web application - how
to?" (the only multi-language thread in this mailing list since the
start of April - I checked before posting) then I'm afraid it didn't
even come close to covering any of the issues raised, it was simply
one post with one specific reply.

step 1: get a thorough understanding of unicode & UTF(8) step 2: get familiar with the mb_*() functions and the iconv extension step 3: step up your scripts and DB to output/store UTF step 4: rinse/repeat.

these are just hints, sorry I can't be of more help - (lack of time mostly!
I'm still 900 odd mails behind on php-generals ;-)

Best regards,

Richard Davey

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